Into the Fire

A craftsman starts with a vision. With it, he applies his skills, turning that vision into a reality. He works with diligent patience, creating a unique product; and hopefully, it's a product of which he's proud. On Saturday, my boyfriend and I watched a blacksmith working at an anvil. As odd as that may sound, it was really quite amazing to see a rod of iron skillfully transformed into a piece of art. In and out of the fire, carefully handled, yet beat with a hammer. In the blacksmith's mind, that rod of iron had a purpose. It had potential for beauty, and that craftsman worked hard to make it into what he wanted it to become. Watching this reminded me of Jeremiah 18, where Jeremiah was told to go and watch the potter do his daily work - and that God would reveal more of Himself through the simple act of observing a craftsman in his element. (You can read more about that story from Jeremiah 18 in my post about pottery !) Also, after feeling encouraged to read Is...