"don't tell me I need a root canal!"

Infection is an ugly thing. It starts small, but then all of a sudden festers into something ugly. We checked a few things off our list of "firsts as a married couple" this week, including a visit to the ER and a visit to the oral surgeon. Yes, a root canal was needed. Ouch. A root canal is where they drill into the root of the living (but infected) tooth to wash out infection. More or less, they clean the root out, leaving the tooth dead, but... no longer infected. Naturally, as I sat there waiting for Mitchell to have his root canal finished, I started comparing this procedure to my spiritual life. Could there be something to learn from this? Of course. Our lives all start as being infected by sin. When we allow Jesus to transform our lives by giving Him Lordship and authority over our hearts, in essence, we're allowing our lives on earth to be "root canaled." The infection (sin) is drilled out, and a new filling (forgiveness & the Holy Spirit) replaces ...