
In every season, there's a story...

...and everyone has a story worth sharing. 

This is part of mine. 

Lord-willing, I'm going to Kenya!

For about two weeks, beginning on December 27th, my team of about 25 individuals will be partnering with a local orphanage in Kijabe, Kenya. 

While there, we will serve the local community, partnering with missionaries and organizations who are in Kenya long-term, with the primary goal of sharing the gospel - the good news of the love of Jesus!

I want YOU to be a part of my trip in two ways: 

    1. Pray! Pray for me, for my team, and that God would be glorified in all things.

    2. Help me fill a suitcase with Bibles to bring to Kenya! #spreadtheword

If you have an extra minute, take some time to pray. Join me in the mission field of life on your knees. The kitchen table, your living room, your couch, your car.... these are all places in the mission field. No one place is better than another, and no calling is higher than another, because every member of the body of Christ is equally important. So, to all my fellow Christians (and therefore, fellow missionaries), help me spread the word!! If you have an extra Bible sitting around, I would LOVE to add it to my suitcase and I'll bring it to Kenya for you.

Remember, we are all missionaries, wherever we are, whatever time it is. You are in the mission field right now, right where you are.

"We are all missionaries. Wherever we go we either bring people nearer to Christ or we repel them from Christ." -Eric Liddell

For me, a big question has been "Why Kenya???"

That is a story for another time. But trust me, it is an amazing story. 

"All along, let us remember we are not asked to understand, but simply to obey." - Amy Carmichael 

How is God calling you to obey today??


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