Burdens to Blessings

Burdens to blessings.

Lament to laughter

Covetousness to contentment

Sorrow to singing.

Pride to prudence

The list could go on, and on, and on. 


"I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." ~ Philippians 1:6


We serve a God who USES our insecurities, inconveniences, and incapacities for His glory. He turns what is ugly into what is lovely, and this is the most beautifully joyous gift we've ever been given. 

Think about it for a moment. Jesus endured the most horrific form of punishment on the cross - a punishment he did not deserve. The pinnacle of human suffering. The cross. The nails. The whip. The shame. The rejection. The cutting words. He endured it all. 

Yet, God takes this moment, and somehow, turns the most horrific moment in all of history into the greatest story, the greatest testimony, and the most beautiful gift:

LIFE in Christ, only because of His death.

LOVE, only because Jesus was hated.

LAUGHTER, only because Jesus shed his tears for you and for me. 

LIFE eternal, because of the sacrificial love that Jesus Christ displayed for the world. 

Have you accepted the greatest gift of all time?

Let Jesus turn your burdens into blessings. 


Let God complete the work that He has started. It started with Jesus. Let Him complete that work through you. One burden at a time, as you surrender, those burdens turn into blessings. 


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