Your Minutes Matter

The concept of time is odd. Have you ever thought about how RIGHT NOW, in this exact moment, is where time touches eternity? 

*Joke break*

Joe: "Hey Mom, what time is it?"

Mom: "3:00 O'Clock"

Joe: "Ugh."

Mom: "What's the matter?"

Joe: "I've been asking that question all day, and everyone gives me a different answer!!"

A different answer. All. Day. Long. Can you imagine!? Funny stuff. Yet, there is a seriousness to the concept of time. It isn't just something to laugh at, but to take seriously. Because, your minutes matter. Oh, also, if I ever run out of time jokes and puns, I'll always have daylight savings jokes to fall back on. 

Okay... puns aside. I hope those added some giggles to your day.

So easily, we waste our time. So quickly, the seconds tick by. Before we know it, it has been a moment. Minutes. An hour. A day. A year. A decade. And yet, the clock continues. Seconds make up minutes. Minutes make up hours. Hours make up days. Days make up years. And, years make up your life. I've written it before, but even just to remind myself, I write it again: 


"How I spend my minutes is how I spend my day. How I spend my days is how I spend my life."

"Don't waste your minutes = Don't waste your life." 


Time is wasted when we chase what we think we're missing.

Time is lost when we stick ourselves in the past; in the painful reminiscing.

If you're always looking for something new, how can you be present in what you do?

I was helping an elderly man to stand the other day, and I told him, "just take your time." He laughed, and responded, "I'm 96... I don't have much time." He said this in a very humorous, yet serious manner. We both laughed. Yet, it hit me hard. That's going to be me someday, if God allows me to live that long.

I want to be able to live in the moment, being fully present in the time God has given me. It isn't easy. So.... if you've got any tips on making this happen, I'm all ears! However, to start, here are a few things that have been helpful to me: 

  • Pray. Prayer is a conversation. Christianity is a relationship. When you pray, you have to be presently in a conversation with your Creator. Pretty cool.
  • Write. When you write things down, it helps organize your thoughts. Rather than letting things fester in your brain for way too long, and then not knowing how to deal with your emotions, take time to write down what you're feeling, why you're feeling that, and then, write down what is TRUE. 
  • Ask other people to keep you accountable to living presently. Don't get caught up in the "next" or in the past so much that you forget about the current gift of right now. 
This almost concludes this post... I'm keeping it fairly short for the sake of time. ;) Your minutes matter.

However, I want to leave you with one last challenge: Evaluate ONE area of your life where you think you're wasting time. Try to cut it down by 5 minutes. That's it. Start there, and go from here. You may be surprised how much you can get done in 5 minutes.

Your minutes matter. 


Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of time, because the days are evil. 
- Ephesians 5:15-16



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