I'm Hungry!

We all get hungry. But, what for? And, can you control what you're hungry for?

Hungry for donuts?
Hungry for coffee and chocolate?
Hungry for salads?
Hungry for time to scroll instagram?
Hungry for time in God's word?
Hungry for "alone" time?
Hungry for experiences?
Hungry for "more" of something?

First, hunger isn't inherently bad. In fact, it is an amazing indicator of what your body needs or desires.

We all get hungry... and these appetites of ours tell us a lot about how we're doing physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Our goal should be to hunger for the things of God... but, what do we do when we're not hungry for those things? How do we fight unruly appetites?


"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."
~ Matthew 5:6

While the world says that "cravings happen," and to "treat yourself" when your appetite goes wild, I'm here to tell you that the Biblical response isn't always so cliché. Is it okay to give in to your cravings, to indulge yourself, and to say that you "deserve" to have what you want? Well... not always.

Here are a few simple steps to fighting an unruly appetite. Train yourself to hunger for the things of God!

1. Recognize what you're hungry for. Is it a healthy hunger? Or an unruly hunger?
2. If you're hungry for something "good" and "healthy," praise God for that hunger! If you're hungry for something "bad," think about why. Have you been "feeding" that hunger in the past? Are you letting that hunger grow?

To an extent, you are responsible for "training" your appetite. If you feed your hunger, you'll keep wanting that "thing." You'll hope for satisfaction, fullness, and pleasure in that "thing." What hunger are you feeding?

3. Fuel yourself in a Biblical way. Try reading a bible verse when you eat a snack. Every time. Let scripture be part of your "diet." Soon, you'll realize that you DESIRE or HUNGER for God's word more and more! This is a simple way to "train" your appetite.
4. If there are things or foods that are make you always want more of them (aka they don't satisfy you for long), cut them out of your diet/life.
5. Ask God to satisfy your appetite. 

Next time you get hungry, remember that Jesus is the one who will satisfy you forever. You need nothing else, even when the world tells you you're lacking. There's a lot more to be said on this topic, but for today, that's all. 

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