Job Title

We all have different job titles. But really, we all have the same job:

Glorifying God in the work that he's called us to do, right where we are, right when we're there.


"The Christian gospel decidedly furnishes us with the resources for more inspired, realistic, satisfying, and faithful work today." 

- Timothy Keller, Every Good Endeavor


Work. Is. Not. Easy.

I'd love to say that working the 7pm-7:30am night shift is "my thing," that I'm thriving in my current job, and that I love every part of it.

Unfortunately, that's not a reality.

Can you relate to struggling to go to work with joy and willingness? Counting down the hours until you get to go home and rest?

*wordy sentence alert*

In the past four months I've had to do a lot of work outside of work to be able to go to work with a joyful, willing heart. 

Don't get me wrong here... I do love being a nurse, and there are parts of my job that I absolutely love. But, I am continually learning that as long as we're working as Christians in a broken world, we won't find full satisfaction in our jobs. Simple, un-fun truths. 

HOWEVER, this is the exciting news: YOU get to choose your attitude.

Choose joy. Choose willingness. Trust God. Talk to Him about your desires and struggles.

Why? Because he cares. He really, truly does. And, in due time, he'll provide the right next step.

So, I'm choosing joy in this season: Choosing to be faithful, to work with joy, and to be satisfied not by my job, but by the God I work for. I want to challenge you to do the same.

Whatever you're waiting for, longing for, hoping for... you've got to let go of it. If you can't choose joy in this season, how will you choose joy in another?

With that being said, I am excited to share that come July, I've accepted a day-time position as a momma-baby nurse. I'm hoping that this new job is a better fit than my current one, but I know it won't be perfect. And until July, I still choose joy.

I'll have a new job title, but my ultimate job will remain the same: Glorifying God with the work that he has called me to do, wherever that may be.

Join me in the greatest task of all time: Not being defined by your job title, but being defined by working willingly, joyfully, faithfully, and humbly for the God who gave it to you. 


"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen."

- Ephesians 3:20-21

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