baby's breath

A baby's first breath declares His name:

Yahweh: Our Good Creator. 

The ancient letters Y-H-W-H

are more than just a name

As the lungs first fill with air,

the sound that's heard is "Yah"

And as the babe exhales,

the sound that's made is "weh"

In and out

the breath of life

Is there

Inside the lungs!

His name: the only word they know

And then, those babies cry

Their first reaction to this life:

It's uncomfortable, this world!

In their cry they sing of hope

For comfort from another

Their cry declares His name and then,

declares their need for mother 

We all once took our last first breath,

And there we cried for help

We most consider each precious babe

As able to declare the name of God: Yahweh

It's the name you still declare today

Every time you breathe

So remember that even if you lack the words

You'll always speak His name:



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