you're a saint

Have you ever done something kind for someone and been told, "You're a saint!!!" ?

What was your response? Did you blush or roll your eyes?  Have you ever thought about what that word "saint" actually means? My response in the past has been an inward eye-roll. I'll never be good enough to be a saint, says my mind.

And that's exactly where the devil wants us to get stuck. Of course we can never be "good enough." But, thankfully, this story isn't about me, and it isn't about you.

Join me in exploring this word "saint" for a few moments. Ditch the dictionary, and pull out your Bible. 

Whether or not you've thought about this five-letter-word, I'm here to tell you something that may sound slightly radical: You're a saint. What is a "saint"?? The short answer? YOU! The long answer? Those who are in Christ. Also you (and if not, the invitation is there for you: trust Christ as your Savior!).

Hear me out:
If you're in Christ, you're a SAINT! This doesn't mean you're a mother Teresa. This doesn't mean you've got your name carved in a special place in a fancy church, and it certainly doesn't mean you're someone people pray to. It doesn't mean you're all-knowing or all-put-together in a specific area of your life. Simply put, being a saint is a CALLING that God has placed on your life: 

Sainthood is your identity in Christ.

Here are just a few of the many verses that reiterate my point: 

"called as saints" (Romans 1:7)

"to those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, saints by calling" (1 Corinthians 1:2)

"so then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household" (Ephesians 2:19)

"O fear the Lord, you His saints!" (Psalm 34:9)


It isn't your kindness, capability, or accomplishment that makes you a saint. It isn't because you did something nice for somebody.

In the church, it is typical for us to refer to ourselves as "sinners." Yes, we all sin. We've all sinned. We've all fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). But, if you've accepted Christ, sin is no longer your identity. Calling yourself a "sinner" is therefore, incorrect. Stop saying you're a sinner. If you're in Christ, you've been called out of sinfulness: you've been called to sainthood. Declare the truth: you're a saint!! 

You're a saint who struggles with sin. You're not a sinner who is trying to be a saint; because if you were, you'd always fail. Every time. You'd never be good enough for sainthood. You won't ever be able to earn that title. You'll never be able to earn eternity with God.

It isn't about what YOU'VE done or about what you can do that makes you a saint. It's completely about what CHRIST has done FOR YOU!

You're not a saint for being kind to someone. You're a saint because the kindest someone died for you on a cross, paying the penalty for your sinfulness. Sin no longer defines you. Sainthood does. 

What do you think would happen if the church all of a sudden started defining all the believing members as saints?? It would change a lot. It might even start a revival. 

So, help me out, fellow saint, and don't think of yourself as a sinner.

That's how the devil wants you to say you're defined. The devil wants the whole church to believe sainthood is an unattainable title - reserved only for those who do tons and tons of good works in this life. But, that leads us into works-based salvation, which is heretical. You cannot earn your salvation. Salvation (and therefore, sainthood) is a FREE gift of God (Romans 6:23, John 3:16-17).

If you're in Christ, you're a saint. 

Live in thankful response to that truth. 

(For more reading on this topic, see "Identity Theft," edited by Melissa Kruger, pages 45-54)

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