be kind

I vividly remember a night when my siblings and I were acting a little bit (or perhaps a "lot bit") crazy... I don't remember what we were doing specifically, but I do remember that Dad was continually reminding us to be kind to one another. Next thing we knew, Dad had written " be kind " on his forehead with red lipstick. He was tired of verbally reminding us to be kind, and this was his solution... ...and let's just say just say he made a solid point by having bright red lipstick on his forehead. Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit. But unfortunately, the word "kindness" is often hijacked by culture, and we lose sight of the very definition of this spiritual fruit. Yikes! Our culture would define kindness as passive tolerance - letting others do, say, or believe whatever they want to; supporting them regardless of whether or not their pursuits and desires align with the truth of scripture. When a word gains a new, incorrect definition from cultur...