be kind

I vividly remember a night when my siblings and I were acting a little bit (or perhaps a "lot bit") crazy... I don't remember what we were doing specifically, but I do remember that Dad was continually reminding us to be kind to one another.

Next thing we knew, Dad had written "be kind" on his forehead with red lipstick.

He was tired of verbally reminding us to be kind, and this was his solution...

...and let's just say just say he made a solid point by having bright red lipstick on his forehead.

Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit. But unfortunately, the word "kindness" is often hijacked by culture, and we lose sight of the very definition of this spiritual fruit. Yikes!

Our culture would define kindness as passive tolerance - letting others do, say, or believe whatever they want to; supporting them regardless of whether or not their pursuits and desires align with the truth of scripture.

When a word gains a new, incorrect definition from cultural trends, we call this linguistic theft, as defined by the phenomenal book Mama Bear Apologetics (p.63). The author writes, "linguistic theft refers to purposefully hijacking words, changing their definitions, and then using those same words as tools of propaganda" (Ferrer, 2021).


Mama Bear Apologetics has an amazing website with a plethora of resources...

and I highly encourage you to check it out!


So what's the real definition of kindness? The non-hijacked definition?

I would define kindness as acting sympathetic, helpful, gentle, friendly, considerate, affectionate, and generous, with a forbearing, truth-upholding nature.


"Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."

~ Ephesians 4:31-32


A little disclaimer: I recently led a discussion-based Bible study where we talked about this topic for two hours, so I could write quite a bit about being kind. However, I'll spare you the 2-hour-version, and simply hand you the highlights in this post. Come chat with me if you want the longer version, because I'd love to share more of my thoughts!


1. Biblical kindness is active, not passive. Civility is passive. Kindness is strategic; and it isn't only active, it is also proactive.

While tolerance or passivity may elicit a calm response from the other person, kindness may require you to speak the truth (though it must be spoken in love, as outlined in Ephesians 4:11-16), which may result in frustration or anger if the truth is rejected by their heart. Even if your kindness results in anger, frustration, or hardness toward the truth on the other end of the conversation, kindness remains humble, calm, and gentle, even in speaking your mind. 

2. Kindness is a weapon of spiritual warfare. Have you ever been in a situation where you're flustered and the other person "keeps their cool" completely? That in itself is mighty. Keep your cool. Put on the armor of God - pray before you engage in difficult conversations, putting on the belt of truth, the sandals of peace, etc. Put on kindness as you would your outfit in the morning. You can't be dressed as a believer without it.

3. When you don't feel like being kind in a hard conversation or situation, remember that you're not "fighting" or "persuading" the person you disagree with. You're battling against the cosmic powers of present darkness (Ephesians 6:12). This should motivate us even more to be KIND to image-bearers of God, knowing the battle is much deeper than what you simply see as a disagreement or difference in worldview. Remember that the powers of darkness will also be trying to trigger YOU in conversation. Whether you're right or wrong, believers are not immune to the temptation of the devil, and this is all the more reason to put on kindness as a WEAPON. Keep your armor on.


Don't give the devil any opportunity to make your words, thoughts, or actions unkind in nature.

Ultimately, kindness will help us as believers to advance the gospel more effectively than just about any other tool in our Christian tool box (besides the Holy Spirit, obviously!).

Don't try to humiliate someone for their beliefs - speak the truth to them, and pray that God would open their heart not only to your kindness towards them, but more importantly, to the kindness that Jesus showed them on the cross at Calvary. Speak the truth in LOVE. Love also isn't passive - just like LOVING your child is to discipline them when they're wrong, loving your friend is to correct them (kindly) with truth when they're wrong.

Kindness isn't easy, but it's a weapon in spiritual warfare, and it is incredibly powerful.

What are some ways you can show true kindness to others this week? Do you know someone who needs to be reminded of truth? Encouraged in the truth they do believe and live by?

Go, and be kind. :)

Happy Wednesday!!!


Jesus calls Himself the LORD

Not to be twisted, He's true to and He is the Word

He didn't pick a fight, 

Even when He was perfectly in the right.

He patiently endured evil

Even to the point where His body, they'd kill.

Kindness is never lost on a soul

Its bitterness and wrath that take a toll

Kindness is key...

In sharing His love for you and me

~ Megan Herweyer




Resource: Ferrer, Hillary Morgan. (2021). Mama Bear Apologetics. 

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