i am not wronged

In seasons of hardship, God has done me no wrong.

In seasons of doubt, God has never been wrong.

In the seasons of waiting and wandering want, His timing has never been wrong.

Though I may think it, by Him I am not wronged, for in Him no wrong can be found.

He is not wrong in what He will make right.

By Him I am not wronged by day or by night;

For what is wrong in this world is no fault of God's

What is wrong in this world with Him is always at odds.

His will is to work all things by His might,

That all wrongs in His justice will be made, one day, right.

In the seasons of suffering, God has done me no wrong.

In the seasons of loss, God has never been wrong.

Though I may think it, by Him I am not wronged, for in Him no wrong can be found.

By his hand I am not and will not be wronged, for in Him no wrong can be found.

So still I will be as the wrong He will fight,

And I long for that day when all wrong will be right.

Oh, for that day do I long.


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