a confident chef

John Ortberg writes in his book The Me I Want to Be: Becoming God's Best Version of You about how the invitation to "taste" is an invitation from a CONFIDENT chef. "Taste what I've made! It's good!!" He or she might say to you, offering a delicious sample of the greater cuisine they've masterfully created. And it's delicious. A chef who is not confident in their cooking would be unlikely to say "taste and see that it is GOOD!" 

In Psalm 34:8 we see an invitation from our Creator, the most magnificent chef there ever was:


"oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!"


As we read his word, we get a taste of his goodness. As we experience his goodness in creation we learn more of his faithfulness. As we see his day to day faithfulness we remember that he's a covenant-keeping, consistent King, who cares for us, communicates with us, and considers our deepest needs and desires. Every taste of him is good. 

May this serve as a reminder to come and enjoy the most delicious cuisine there ever was. May we feast on the everlasting, soul-sustaining food given to us by God: his Holy Word. God is confident in his own character, and we can be confident in him, too. With confidence, may we draw near to him, responding to this invitation:



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